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Amsir Community Service Journal (ACSJ) is a service journal published by the Andi Sapada Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M), which is a journal that contains scientific articles from the Community Based Services program.
Manuscripts/Manuscripts published in the ACSJ Journal are the Results of Community Service which include the results of community service program activities covering various focus areas such as Religion, Law, Social, Education, Health, and Agriculture which are original and new from various academic circles. The published form of service activities can be in the form of the application of appropriate technology, training, counseling, system development and implementation, and others.
Amsir Community Service Journal (ACSJ) was first published in February 2023 and is published twice a year, in February and August. The editor of the Amsir Community Service Journal (ACSJ) invites authors to submit journals on the results of the implementation of Community Service that has been carried out. Opinions published in this journal are entirely the opinions of the author of the article or do not reflect the opinion of the editor.