Who Should Exercise Child Custody after Divorce?

  • Herman B Faculty of Law, Andi Sapada Institute of Social Sciences and Business, Parepare, Indonesia.
  • Siswanto Siswanto Faculty of Law, Puangrimaggalatung University, Wajo, Indonesia.


By law, children under the age of ten must be passed on to their mothers. Meanwhile, children over the age of ten have the right to vote, even though in reality they will be cared for more by their fathers. This study aims to find out how the implementation of post-divorce child custody that occurred in Sidenreng Rappang District was not following the judge’s decision. This study uses a sociological juridical approach which concludes that the implementation of post-divorce child custody is not by the decisions of the Religious Courts. This research is descriptive, namely research that provides data about something or social phenomena that develop in society so that this research is expected to obtain a comprehensive, complete, and systematic picture of the object to be examined. The Plaintiff’s lack of sense of responsibility, and mental condition that is not ready for divorce is the trigger for child custody not being fully taken over by the ex-wife. Defendant feels a lack of sense of responsibility from Plaintiff who is not ready for a divorce. A sense of responsibility that is not realized that children are entrusted by God who will be held accountable later.



Books with author:

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