The Impact of the Job Creation Law on the Concept of Limited Liability Companies in Indonesia
Various controversies are present along with the issuance of the omnibus law with its copyright law. The presence of this regulation revokes at least 80 other special laws, one of which is the Limited Liability Company Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. The issues raised in this research are the concept and implications of the issuance of the copyright law on the legal arrangements of limited liability companies. This research study uses doctrinal normative research with primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials from literature studies. After the research, the results show that the applied method of this omnibus law is the method of legislation by combining various types of laws in a special law. This gives room to eliminate the various interests of each into just one name of interest. In the drafting process, it has violated the principles of openness and participation and is vague in its legal basis. The implication in the limited liability company law is that it raises provisions regarding the individual company model whose concept is contradictory and provisions that eliminate the minimum capital limit of the company, which is feared to result in the vulnerability of a business continuity.
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Journal articles:
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