October (Special Issue: Implications of the Constitutional Court Decision on the Regional Head Election Process in Indonesia)Vol 6 No 1 (2024)
The decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) No.60/PUU-XXII/2024 has implications for changes in the rules regarding election requirements and mechanisms that can have a direct impact on local and national political dynamics. The Constitutional Court's decision concerning the threshold for regional head candidacy can change the political map in the regions. If the Constitutional Court lowers or removes the threshold, more candidates may be able to run, thus increasing the opportunity for independent candidates or candidates from small parties to compete. This could potentially increase plurality and democracy at the local level, affirm people's political rights to run for office, and potentially strengthen people's political participation. What will be the fate of regional head elections after the Constitutional Court's decision is enacted?
Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) No.60/PUU-XXII/2024 memiliki implikasi perubahan aturan mengenai syarat dan mekanisme pemilihan yang dapat berdampak langsung pada dinamika politik lokal dan nasional. Putusan MK yang menyangkut ambang batas pencalonan kepala daerah dapat mengubah peta politik di daerah. MK menurunkan atau menghapus ambang batas, dan kemungkinan lebih banyak kandidat yang bisa mencalonkan diri, sehingga memperbesar peluang bagi calon independen atau kandidat dari partai-partai kecil untuk bersaing. Ini berpotensi meningkatkan pluralitas dan demokrasi di tingkat lokal, menegaskan hak politik masyarakat untuk mencalonkan diri, dan berpotensi memperkuat partisipasi politik masyarakat. Bagaimanakah nasib pemilihan kepala daerah pasca putusan MK ini diberlakukan?
October (Special Issue: The Omnibus Law on Job Creation in the Perspective of the International Community)Vol 5 No 1 (2023)
The Job Creation Law was once submitted for review to the Constitutional Court. Through decision number 91/PUU-XVIII/2020, the Constitutional Court stated that the formation of the Job Creation Law was contrary to the 1945 Constitution and did not have conditionally binding legal force as long as it did not mean 'no amendments were made within two years of this decision being pronounced'. The Supreme Court of the Constitution also stated that the Job Creation Law would still be in force until repairs were made in accordance with the deadline. The Constitutional Court ordered legislators to make improvements within a maximum period of two years after the decision was pronounced. After the revision and re-approval of the omnibus law, of course, received a lot of responses.
Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja sempat diajukan pengujian ke Mahkamah Konsitutusi. Melalui putusan nomor 91/PUU-XVIII/2020, Mahkamah Konstitusi menyatakan pembentukan Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja bertentangan dengan UUD 1945 dan tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum mengikat secara bersyarat sepanjang tidak dimaknai ‘tidak dilakukan perbaikan dalam waktu dua tahun sejak putusan ini diucapkan’. Mahakmah Konstitusi juga menyatakan Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja masih tetap berlaku sampai dengan dilakukan perbaikan pembentukan sesuai dengan tenggang waktu. Mahkamah Konstitusi memerintahkan kepada pembentuk undang-undang untuk melakukan perbaikan dalam jangka waktu paling lama dua tahun sejak putusan diucapkan. Setelah dilakukan revisi dan disahkannya kembali omnibus law tentu mendapat banyak respons.