Indonesia’s Omnibus Law and Protection of Labor Rights
Indonesian constitution (Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia of 1945) regulates that Everyone has the right to choose a job and work and receive omnibus law on job creation is enacted in Indonesia. In 2023, the Government has enacted Law Number 6 of 2023 concerning Determination of Government Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation into Law or so-called Omnibus Law on Job Creation. The objective of this research is to analyze labor rights protection in Omnibus Law Indonesia. Research method used in this research is normative research, using statute approach and conceptual approach. It is analyzed using descriptive method. The result of this research is that the Ominbus Law Indonesia has not given labor rights protection fully in connection with issues of termination of employment, criminal sanctions for entrepreneurs, foreign workers, wages, severance pay, lifelong contract employees, lifetime outsourcing, working time, leave and wages for leave, health insurance and pension guarantees for outsourcing contract workers. This is because lack of lack of community involvement in the formation of laws. Therefore, it needs to be amended.
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Journal articles:
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