Election Law Enforcement: Fighting Black Campaigns on Social Media

  • Sultoni Fikri Faculty of Law, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Keywords: Black Campaigns, Election, Law Enforcement, Social Media


The establishment of a democratic state requires the active involvement of its citizens, primarily through political participation, via elections. An integral part of elections is campaigning, which is inherently a strategy sometimes used to undermine opponents. These campaigns are known as “Black Campaigns”. It involves the use of malicious and unethical tactics aimed at discrediting political opponents. One method that is commonly used today is the dissemination of false information, which leads to slander that erodes the dignity, reputation, and honor of election participants. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of election laws and the management of negative political campaigns spread through social media platforms. Using normative legal research methodology, this research uses legal sources in the form of laws or other regulations, legal principles, and relevant doctrines. This research reveals that black campaigns are explicitly regulated in Article 280 of Law No. 7/2017 and Article 69 of Law No. 1/2015. This law categorizes black campaigning as a prohibited act, which includes insults, incitement, and threats against individuals. In the event of black campaigning on social media, the provisions outlined in Article 27 paragraph 3 and Article 28 paragraph 2 of Law No. 19/2016 should be enforced. To address the problem of black campaigns on social media, effective countermeasures need to be proposed, such as proactively promoting media literacy to coordinating its handling with relevant institutions. In addition, repressive measures including imposing legal sanctions on individuals involved in black campaigns on social media are also necessary.



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